Your Guide to Different Types of Ladders and Their Purpose

A ladder is a very popular tool that’s been used for a very long time. It’s very simple yet so efficient and practical. It’s made of 2 parallel side pieces and connected with steps. They provide a secure way for you to reach high places while you’re working. Ladders are used in industrial and domestic settings and are an inseparable part of every household.

Types of Ladders

Different types of ladders

Step Ladder and Stool

One of the most practical types of ladders is the step stool ladder. It’s a minimised version of the larger models that’s perfect for smaller tasks. A high-quality, durable step-up stool will be perfect for less intensive jobs that don’t require a lot of height. These items usually have one or two steps to get you up. The steps are on one side, and the other is just for support and balance.

All models are foldable which makes them easy to store, transport and use. They’re great for indoor projects such as painting, cleaning, changing lightbulbs or reaching high shelves and cabinets. They’re shaped like an upside-down V and have a handle on top so you can easily carry them around. Plus, the 4 legs that stay on the ground are reinforced and non-slippery.

Step ladders are bigger than stools. They’re a very popular ladder choice because of their versatility. They’re considered a must-have for every household, business or warehouse. Step ladders have an A shape which makes them self-supporting. You don’t need any additional support while working with them because of their stability.

Some ladders have rungs on both sides. They’re called twin-step ladders. They’re considered more convenient because you can use both sides without turning the ladder from one side to another to make it convenient. You can use it in the middle of the room, alongside the walls, in the garden, for cleaning windows, fixing the drain and many other home projects.

They’re also great ladders for warehouses and smaller businesses where you’ll need to reach some high shelves in a hurry. They’re easy to fold, unfold and store because of their slender design. Just like the step-up ladder, they have non-slip legs for stability. Most models have the capacity to hold one person at a time, so keep an eye on the weight limitations.

Straight Ladder

These ladders are also known as single ladders. They got that name because they look like one-half of a step model. They need some sort of anchor at the top because they are not self-supporting. They’re portable but not foldable which means they can take up more storage space. They come in many sizes and have the capacity for only one person.

Unlike the step-up stool, these ladders can reach higher places. Although straight ladders need a strong wall to lean against, the missing second side makes it easier to approach the wall closer than with a stepladder. That’s why they’re great for construction, roofing or exterior maintenance projects.

Platform Ladder

Man standing on platform ladder

A platform ladder has a lot of similarities with a step ladder. The only difference is the platform on the top of the frame. This is a feature that makes it unique because no other ladder will allow you to stand on it while having a place to put your tools or other necessities. The platform ladder is self-supporting and has hinges so you can fold it.

Some models even have safety railings for more stability. They’re mostly used in industrial settings. You can use this ladder for many outdoor or indoor projects such as landscaping, painting, trimming, decorating, installation and light construction.

Extension Ladder

Extension ladders aren’t self-supporting and need an anchor at the top to keep them in place. They’re very similar to straight ladders. The only difference is that they have an adjustable length. They can have up to 3 sections connected together with guided tracks. That’s how you can extend the ladder as much as you need. The extension simply slides up.

Some models even have a rope and pulley system you it’ll be easier to adjust the height. They’re usually made to support one person, but you’ll need to check the weight capacity to make sure you’re good to climb. They’re usually stable but it’s a good idea to have a second person holding the ladder at the bottom. This is a recommendation because these ladders can go very high.

Folding Ladder

A folding ladder functions similarly to a step ladder, unfolding to rest on four legs for more stability or extending for greater height. Its robust construction and large rungs make it perfect for tasks on uneven ground. Additionally, folding ladders are simple to store and move in a small space.

Multipurpose Ladder

Also known as a multi-way ladder, this model is the most versatile of them all. What makes it unique are the many hinges positioned all over the ladder. They make it foldable but also allow you to fold it into different positions and shapes. You can transform it into a straight, A-frame or a scaffolding ladder. A multipurpose ladder is a great investment if you’re doing multiple jobs at once and need very flexible climbing support.

Trestle Ladder

There’s one thing that sets this ladder apart from the rest of them. That’s the ability to hold 2 persons at once. It’s a self-supporting model that has 2 climbable sides. It also has an adjustable length and possibly a third ladder that can extend from the top. Its foldability is another bonus because it makes it easy to carry and transport.

What to Consider When Buying

Man climbing on ladder

There are several things you should consider before buying a ladder. The first one is its height and reach. Keep in mind that the height or length of the ladder should exceed the height of the roof if you’re working indoors. The ideal climbing angle is around 70-75 degrees. If you’re looking for an outdoor ladder, make sure the top edge goes at least 1m above the building you’re working and propping the ladder on.

The second thing is the weight capacity. Each ladder has its own capacity it can support, and the limits can vary from one model to another. These numbers can go as low as 90kg and as high as 170kg. This doesn’t include just the person’s weight, but also the items they might be carrying with them. And finally, manoeuvrability. Every ladder should be easy to carry around if you’re going to use it often. Invest in a lightweight and collapsible one, to make things easier.

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