Handheld GPS Device: An Essential Tool for Aviation

military handheld gps
Source: Pexels

There’s no question that flying a plane requires skill, experience, courage, and takes up a great deal of responsibility. One thing a pilot can’t do without, however, is a trustworthy GPS device when he or she is up in the sky – no matter how skilled of a professional they may be. 

Sure, with the reliability of smartphones nowadays you may be wondering why this additional equipment is necessary in the first place. And while the phone can certainly be a convenient solution with all the advanced features it comes equipped with today, among which even navigation, it still pales in comparison to the specialised military handheld GPS designed to be of assistance during the flights.

Why is GPS Important in Aviation?

military handheld gps
Source: Pexels

In short, it’s an essential tool that can help out any pilot, regardless of the level, with monitoring crucial data throughout the flight, as well as assisting with the planning of the routes and getting you to the destination safely. Backed with the network of satellites that comprise the Global Positioning System and transmit signals to receivers, i.e. devices, it’s a piece of gear that can provide you with information about the time, position, as well as velocity with utmost precision and accuracy. 

Although there are several types of aviation related navigation devices, among which panel-mounted and glass cockpit systems too, it’s the military handheld GPS designs that offer the benefits at the most convenience due to the size they’re found in. Despite the compactness of these gadgets, you can expect to get: 

Top-Notch Navigation

If you want to navigate the skies while cutting the risk of errors that can be scary and life-threatening, then the GPS is your tool. A handheld GPS receiver model can help you determine the position, track routes, check performance parameters, and even waypoints with the precision you require to plan the smooth flight. Unlike traditional methods, you get this accuracy including when the weather conditions aren’t that favourable, or the terrain is in a remote area with little infrastructure.

It’s so reliable, in fact, that you can choose it as your backup option in case of an emergency. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t your primary source for navigation, it can prove to be essential when there’s some issue with the communication with ground-based navigation, like situations when you find yourself in bad weather. 

Incredible Flexibility

Because we’re talking about handheld models and not the alternative panel-mounted or glass cockpit systems, this type of GPS device is perfect if you need portability, using it in more than one aircraft. As such, it proves to be essential for instructors, as much as flying enthusiasts who don’t have a plane of their own. 

This portability property also comes in handy with getting a space-savvy cockpit setup. If you want to have minimal distraction from clutter (even if it’s visual), and you want to ensure you get the optimal workflow where everything is neatly organised and placed, a tool such as this won’t be in the way of your other devices or obstruct your work. 

Useful Features

military handheld gps
Source: Pexels

A bluetooth GPS like the Garmin Glo models is a neat addition to your flights for the numerous features it offers you. For one, there’s the seamless connectivity that allows you to connect to multiple wireless devices, allowing you more info, flight planning, and weather checking options. As such, it’s also suitable for commercial and big cockpit flights alike. 

Garmin’s products are also known for the dual system compatibility, as in addition to GPS you can connect to the GLONASS system too. This gives you more flexibility and accuracy than when solely depending on one system. Not to mention, you get less signal degradation, and reliability even in rural areas. 

What can further give you peace of mind is WAAs capability which corrects signal errors and provides accurate info especially needed when landing. The EBF compatibility feature means you have access to charts, maps, weather info, as well as navigation aids. All of this is crucial for providing you with situational awareness that’s required for careful planning. 

When you have all the insight you can get, you become aware of the flight path you’re about to take, so you can get info on whether or not there could be some hazard along the way, giving you time to act promptly and change the route if needed to ensure optimal safety. Simply put, the GPS device can be of assistance with enhancing the operational efficiency in general. 

And, you want to know the best part about investing in this kind of aviation tool? You won’t have to pay a fortune to get it, thanks to how widespread the use of GPS technology has become. Many cutting-edge GPS based devices made for aviation can be found in affordable prices, which isn’t the case with traditional flight systems.

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